Defence Lawyer in Ipswich
Need assistance from an expert in criminal law? Contact Ian Persaud Solicitor today.

Professional Advice in Respect Of Criminal Law
Services are offered for all criminal offences. I will represent you at the police station and in the criminal courts.

Rely On Ian Persaud For Expert Advice
You should not underestimate the need to have representation at the police station. Remember that a chat with the police under caution is not done for fun. It is the start of a criminal investigation which could lead to a criminal prosecution. If you start off in the right way you are more likely to get the result you want at the conclusion of the matter whether that be at the police station or at the end of court proceedings.
I Am Here To Help You
If you have to appear in court you should get representation. The law is complicated and the procedures are strange. The most rapidly changing field of law is that governing crime. A lawyer can make all the difference. I can help at:
– Police Station
– Magistrates’ Court
– Crown Court
– Courts of Appeal
Contact Ian Persaud
If you need a defence lawyer in Ipswich, Suffolk, call Ian Persaud today.